Recognized as The Destination for both local and international visitors, Green Coast Resort & Residences has delivered an outstanding performance, especially in offering an elite, luxurious lifestyle with high standards—not only for its residents but for everyone who considers it a must on their list. However, this success would not have been possible without the immense dedication and hard work of the committed team behind the services and management of Green Coast Resort & Residences.

To express sincere appreciation and gratitude at the end of the season, Balfin Real Estate & Hospitality organized a special “dedication evening” to honor the entire service and management team.

The CEO of BRE&H, Ms. Ledia Telhai, opened her speech by stating: “I am very proud to express my gratitude in two languages, Albanian and English. This demonstrates that the expanded international staff of BRE&H has been warmly welcomed by the company and has turned that appreciation into valuable contributions.”

The evening continued in a friendly and celebratory atmosphere, filled with photos, conversations, and great music.

The commitment to outstanding service will continue throughout the year and will be further enhanced and expanded in the upcoming season. This is the philosophy of a company like BRE&H, which always strives for excellence.