Palasa Beach, 2019


Blue Therapy ― many of us associate the sea with the feeling of happiness, relax and the switching off from life’s daily routines and getting away with nature.


The “Blue Mind” philosophy, which is the subject of growing European research, is being championed by Californian biologist and researcher Wallace J Nichols, who tells us he believes “the idea that water is medicine and will be quite mainstream” within 10 years.


We strongly believe that people who are already using the power of water and live by the sea are happier and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.


Lovers of outdoor sports can enjoy many water activities:


Diving can been the best therapy and you must try! You can feel tired of life and of all the things that are going on, and when you get into the water, it literally washes the anxiety away… you feel this release.



Also, paragliding by the sea is just something incredibly powerful…and when you’re out there in the air, you’re part of something that’s a lot bigger than you, so it humbles you…You feel afterwards the feelings of vibrancy and life; it is unexplainable.


Watching the sunset, playing volleyball, listening to music, being with friends and family by the beach, enjoying a drink, lounging…completely a wonderful time. For us, the sea is a complete inspiration!



“Those who live by the sea can hardly form a single thought of which the sea would not be part.”


― Hermann Broch